Yesterday was a crazy day. I had a YW mtg in the morning. Decided to make sugar cookies, rolls and homemade yogurt. My good friend Mindee came over to visit. Was in charge of Mutual that night. So back tracking... I've been thinking for the last week or so that I should get rid of our coffee table. Put it away in a closet somewhere so that we'll have more room in our family room and Josh can have more room in general. I however have strange ties to my coffee table and keep putting it off. So yesterday while Mindee and I are visiting, Josh falls and hits his mouth on the coffee table. Blood is everywhere, his mouth is full of it and it looks really deep. A few of my siblings have split their lip and gotten stiches... So I take him in for stitches or super glue or whatever. I'm thinking how lucky I am that it happened at like 4:20 on a friday instead of 5 on a friday and while Mindee was visiting nonetheless- considering I don't have a car anymore. So we go in and nothing. They don't even charge me for the consult. It takes about 10 min- including the drive. Boy do I feel dumb. Here I am thinking how great it is that everything worked out- and then I find out I didn't even need to take him in. Well, here's to first time mom's. haha:)
Look at Josh and that big smile of his! He is such a happy boy, split lip and all! Yesterday was a crazy happy I was there to help..even though I was freaking out! ha. Love our visits!