
Friday, August 19, 2011

Family Reunion

We had a Miller family reunion at Aspen Grove this last week. It was so fun!!! It was a full six days of no cooking, no cleaning and hanging out with the family. Also with Josh being the ONLY grandchild in a family of ten children he got lots and lots of attention and I got a ton of free time:) It was so great!!!

At Aspen Grove was a ropes course...

This is the part where I thought I was going to die

And this part... 

I did this same course 5 years ago.  It was much scarier this time.  Who would think having a baby would make you a wimp?

Surprisingly the least scary part

Throwing axes.  Actually really fun

Josh and Jack with their Great Grandma and Grandpa

My mom and her parents and siblings
My Grandparents Josh and I

So we've been putting off getting a highchair for the last few months... Then Wyatt was talking to a coworker who happened to be getting rid of theirs!!! Score!  A nice, wooden, sturdy,  Eddie Bauer highchair for free.  I am so so so excited!!! We're just waiting for the tray.  I can't believe our luck:)

Josh also learned how to do all kinds of things while at Aspen Grove. Encouragement of cousins just a few months older than him.  He would watch them do it and then  He learned how to sit up for short spirts and get up on all fours.  Pretty good for a week:)


  1. He got so big all of the sudden! And, he looks A LOT like my kids! There were a few pictures that I thought were Bryce. So weird...

  2. JEN! Josh is HUGE! And Gustavo and I think he's starting to smile like Wyatt!!! What a treat these photos were... miss you!

  3. I can't believe the things that you guys score for free...awesome. So my family did Aspen grove about a month ago! We loved it! Did Josh ever hang out with the rompers? I know lynee was the favorite baby there the week we went. :)

  4. Aspen Grove is so great! I worked there a couple of summers ago as a counselor for 4 and 5 year olds. It was one of my favorite summers. I'm glad you had a great time. Wyatt is getting so big! He is such a cutie.
